When you owe creditors money that you can’t afford to repay, sometimes you may be able to get the debt forgiven or otherwise cancelled. When this happens, you no longer owe your creditors the money that you used to owe them. The IRS, however, usually treats such canceled debt as income that you’ve received. Income […]
For early adopters of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other popular cryptocurrencies, the profit potential has been simply stunning. While there has been some heart-stopping moments and frightening ups and downs, the clear long-term trajectory has been upward. If you are one of those early adopters who profited from the rise in cryptocurrency values, you are probably […]
Few people look forward to tax filing season. Unless you are an accountant who loves tax season, you probably dread this time of year, and you are thrilled when your return is in, and your refund is on the way, or your tax debt is all paid off. When you sign your tax return and […]
Tax time will be here (again) before you know it. If your tax return is a simple one, you may be up to filing the return yourself. But if your situation is somewhat complicated, seeking the help of a qualified professional is probably the best move. Our firm specializes in helping people resolve their back […]
Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated and draining process. People often feel ashamed, scared, or confused. If you find yourself with no other options, bankruptcy can be an excellent way to clear out old debts, change financial patterns and, most importantly, get a fresh start. Here is everything you need to know about filing for […]
2020 threw a huge wrench into everything and the IRS collections proceedings are no exception. With the tax deadline pushed until July 15th and a lot of the IRS closed under shelter at home orders due to COVID19, to the IRS being tasked with sending millions of Americans their stimulus checks, the IRS collections proceedings […]
Whether it is a global pandemic shutting the economy down for months on end, a stock market crash that leaves formerly giddy investors frightened and nervous or a housing crisis that makes real estate a risky bet, living through tough economic times is never easy. Even so, how you handle yourself and your money during […]